'If you are here, you learn!'
“Last year children who were BELOW 90% attendance (more than 18 days off )only had a 40% chance of working at or above their age related expectation.”
“Last year children who were BELOW 96% attendance (more than 7 days off) only had a 60% chance of working at or above their age related expectation.”
“Those children who were ABOVE 96% attendance (less than 7 days off) had an 87% chance of working at or above age related expectation.”
So if your attendance is less than 90% you are very, very, very likely to be working BELOW.
So if your attendance is less than 96% you are likely to be working BELOW.
If your attendance is more than 96% you are very, very, very, very likely to be working AT or ABOVE!
Low cost holidays = High cost to learning
REMEMBER - October Holidays
All PD days this year are now blocked. Therefore our October half term will be for 2 weeks from 23rd October to return to school on 6th November 2023.
Contact Rift House on the first day of absence 01429 275239 |
Make routine dental and medical appointments after school or during the 13 week holidays |
Only keep your child off school when they are genuinely ill, they can still attend with a common cold or minor illness. |
Avoid lateness and booking holidays in term time. |
Impact of Lateness |
Attendance is not just about pupils missing days from school, regular late marks also affect a child's attendance too!
5 minutes late = 3 days lost
10 minutes late = 6.5 days lost
15 minutes late = 10 days lost
20 minutes late = 13 days lost
30 minutes late = 19 days lost